Starry sky of Xmas Eve
This soap was made exclusively for my family. Since the weather is ugly these days and we cannot se the constellation of Saturn and Jupiter, I had to dream the stars into this soap. And it is so tricky that while using it, the Milky Way comes up. Soap base is coconut, olive, soybean, ricebran oils, shea butter, lard and castor oil. Whey makes it creamy, and ground pumice give some light exfoliation. The stars are coloured with yellow clay, the sky is charcoal and chambray blue pigment. Scented with heavenly festive but slightly heavy Incence&Oud fragrance.2020. december 26.
Karácsonyi csillagos ég
2020. december 1.
Agave Lime, a pozsgás limonádé
Agave Lime luxury soap
This fragrance made me unhappy. It tends to be accelerating and ricing as well. So it saved me from making a sophisticated desing :) But it smells sooo cool: refreshing, sweet, like a succulent green lemonade. The extreme amount of mango butter makes it to be luxurious. The soap base is made of lard, coconut, olive, soybean, ricebran and castor oils. Whey makes it creamy and white kaolin clay makes slippery. Very yummy and beautiful anyway!2020. november 28.
Karibi hangulatban
In caribbean mood
Caribbean cooking show in the TV and making a soap with a creamy, fruity tropical fragrance. That's a perfect afternoon. In this Baby Bee Buttermilk fragrance there's a dominant coconut note with soft and fresh tropical fruits. They call for vibrant caribbean colours like accentual ocher, deep blue and bright pink. The soap base is made of lard, coconut, olive, ricebran, soybean, castor oils and shea butter. Whey makes it creamy, and it gets slippery because of white kaolin and yellow clays. This scent and these colours are really exude joy of life :)
2020. november 22.
Anikó tubarózsás szappanja
Polyanthus pink ombre soap
This soap was made for my colleague who asked a pink soap with polyanthus scent. She ordered her wedding thank you gift with the same fragrance. The soap base is coconut oil, lard, olive, ricebran, soybean, castor oils and shea butter. Additives are whey, kaolin clay and citric acid.2020. október 24.
Frangelico Streusel tiramisu szappan
Tiramisu soap
This scent is Heaven! It's cream, vanilla, cake, and coffee, like a tiramisu of super high quality ingredients. But unfortunately discoloration is very intensive. I could reach the white embeds and top by leaving out the fragranc from this part of the batch. I have followed the darkening for 5 days as you can see on pics. This soap contains only quite white oils: lard, coconut, olive, soybean and castor oils, and shea butter. Milk powder was put only into the darkening parts. I recommend this yummy soap for dieters only with caution :)Burberry British Blues
Összetevők: kókuszolaj, disznózsír, olívaolaj, rizskorpaolaj, szójaolaj, sheavaj és ricinusolaj szappanalap fehér agyaggal. Színezékként orvosi szenet is használtam, ami a titándioxiddal együtt gyakorlatilag egy halo jelenséget produkált a nagyobb feket pöttyök körül. Jó, hát lehet, hogy ez csak nekem izgalmas :) De ez a finom, kellemes szappan biztosan mindenkinek.
Burberry British soap
I'm not familiar with the world of perfumes, but maybe this fragrance is similar to an original one.
This scent is very elegant and pleasant, not ostentatious and calls for a worthy pattern. Ingredients are lard, coconut, olive, ricebran, soybean and castor oils and shea butter with kaolin clay. I have used charcoal and TD as colorants as well, and they performed a halo-like phenomenon around the bigger black spots. Okay, maybe it's just exciting for me... but this soap for everyone :)
2020. október 18.
Tiltott gyümölcs
Forbidden Fruit soap
Because this fragrance has a sweet and sour apple scent, that really calls for a pink-yellow colour. My new favourite design is the ombre, because of its easy and spectacular pattern. Even though I really like it, there is no apple in this soap. Instead of that, whey and kaolin clay gives high quality. The base of the soap is lard, coconut, olive, soybean, castor oils and shea butter. There will be more pieces of the ombre series later.Bayberry sörös algaszappan
Bayberry beer soap with spirulina
This is a soap for the boys but can be an Xmas soap as well. Scented with Bayberry fragrance, that is a spicy, evergreen crop type scent. Since it is a "for him" soap, I have added dark beer and charcoal, and some steampunk gears on the sides. The green colour comes from spirulina algae and Nicosia green earth. The soap base is made of coconut oil, lard, olive, soybean and castor oils, and seha butter. It gives a pleasant, bubbly soap with an exciting scent.

2020. augusztus 16.
Vaníliás-kefires és mindenmentes
Ha ez nem akarna beválni, akkor a következő tipp a tisztán disznózsírból és olívaolajból készülő verzió. Ha az sem működne, akkor tényleg már csak a mosakodókrém marad. Na de egyelőre ezt a verziót teszteljük, és várjuk a csodát :) Úgyhogy ezen a ponton át is térek a vaníliás verzióra. Most úgy gondoltam, hogy a jó sárgára színezett bourbon-vaníliás krémeket utánoznám színben is. Ehhez használtam sárga agyagot, és vanília illatolajból is csak a hagyományos, barnítós verzió volt itthon, ami segített melegíteni az árnyalaton. Akadt még egy kevés vanília abszolútom is, amire nem nagyon akadt volna mostanában más ötletem, így azzal is felturbóztam. Nagyon kellemes, krémes, szép színű szappanom lett. Vagyis nem nekem :)
Kefir-vanilla and plain jane soap
My colleague who is a vanilla fan, asked vanilla scented soap again. (It's not my style, so normally I don't make it, just for her). Meanwhile my other colleague asked my help because of her father. He is extremely sensitive for every type of bath products so he has to use officinal washing cream. I don't know if it is know in other countries, but it's a yucky non-lathering thing. So we started experimenting. This soap is not absolutely allergene free, tha base is coconut, lard, olive, soybean, shea butter and castor oils with kefir. Shea butter (latex) and milk is checked, so if coconut or soybean oil will cause itching again, then the next test batch will be a very basic lard and olive oil soap.
The vanilla soap is an upgrade of this base, coloured with yellow clay with vanilla fragrance and vanilla absolute. This fragrance oil is not stable, so the darkening gave a very warm colour. Creamy, yummy :) I hope she will like it in this style as well.2020. július 26.
Szivárvány szappan
És most nagyon nagyon megkívántam én is ezt a szép színkavalkádot, és persze az ügy ilyen formában történő közvetítése is vonzott. A hét színű verziót választottam, mert nekem így szebbek a színek és az átmenetek. Szerettem volna nem túlzottan alap masszát használni, ami csak a dizájnról szól, mert az nem én vagyok. Ezért tettem bele fehér agyagot és tejsavót, utóbbi miatt kicsit izgultam is, hogy ne sárgítsa ki a színeket, de nem tette :) Az alap pedig kókusz-olíva-szója-shea-ricinus. Az illatokkal muszáj volt óvatosnak lennem, mert a hét szín önmagában is jól viselkedő masszát igényel.
De ha a folyamatot mindössze két edénnyel szeretném megoldani, akkor aztán különösen kell idő a pepecselésre. De megoldottam :) Az egyik edényben volt a színtelen alap, a másikban pedig az egymásba alakuló színek jöttek sorban, amik így nem zavarták egymást. Nem csak a mosogatás, de a pazarlás miatt is utálom a sok kancsós módszert. Szóval egy unisex, sokszínű illatot gondoltam ki, ami szerencsére a jól viselkedés kritériumának is megfelelt: menta, narancs és rózsafa izgalmas keveréke. Friss, citrusos, édes és virágos, épp oly vidám, mint a színkavalkád maga.
Rainbow soap for Pride month
I chose the seven colour version, because the colours and transitions are much lovelier for me.
The base is coconut-olive-soybean-shea butter-castor oils, white kaolin clay and whey. The latter behaved well, happily didn't turn my colours to yellowish. A good scent was essential, since I wanted to work with only two pots. I have created a unisex, diverse composition: mint-orange-rosewood EOs, that behaves very well. I love this festive, happy soap :)