Persze mivel főleg muszlimokról van szó, akármennyire imádom a disznózsírt, nyilván ki kellett hagynom. Kókusz, szója, ricinus, kukoricacsíra és olívaolajok nagyon sok tejsavóval, zabliszttel és pici sóval. Sok teafaolajat használtam, levendulával fodormentával szórtam meg a tetejüket. Meleg eljárással készültek, hogy mihamarabb útnak indíthassam őket. Melléjük szegődtek a kis kedvenc mini virágaim és tortáim, amikből már egy egész nagy rakás volt itthon.
Donation soaps
The southern and eastern countries of Europe are facing a humanitarian crisis, because of the thousands of refugees arraving every day from Africa and the Middle East. The Government does not do anything except the disgusting xenophob agitation. So NGOs do, what they should do. And happily many people wanna help, just like me. And what else I could do: soaps. So I have created something for their needs after a long journey, who knows what kind of sanitary facilities were available. I made gentle, disinfectant soap with coconut, soybean, castor, corn and olive oils, lot of whey, oatmeal and some salt. Scented with teatree oil, and there is lavender naf spearmint on the top. (My favorite, the lard should be avoided because most of the migrants are muslims.) I did HP to get ready as early as it can be. I also collected my minis made of the last soap from this year.
Hatalmas like! :)
VálaszTörlésOmar Anyu